Thursday, October 10, 2013


Prentice hospital. (the place of my birth.
Northside funeral home. (THIS COMMUNITY CENTER WAS ERECTED IN THE 1940'S FOR THE CHILDREN OF THE IDA B.WELLS HOMES. ( ONLY HAND PRINTS REMAINED ON MY FINAL TRIP INSIDE) #forgottenyetadored Demolition of Downtown Chicago's Rock and Roll Mcdonalds. The arches fell 1/30/18 Edgewater Hospital (Final daysThe hyperbaric chamber that once resided deep within, briefly discarded in a scrap heap. A cabrini state of mind. #therearenochildrenhere
Harold "ickies" homes final days. #prepbeforedemolition #aneedforsanctuary #aneedforsancuaryONCHICAGOSSOUTHSIDE #shutteredsanctuary #chicago,il #forgottenyetadored
#Forgottenyetadored #northsidechildrenshospital #helicopterlandingpad
little company hospital demolition. SOUTH SIDE BAPTIST CHURCH (HYDE PARK)
south side mental institution tunnel system. lIVING ROOM MURAL (HAROLD ICKIES HOMES) SOUTHSIDE PARADE FLOAT LAYUP.
#Shutteredindustry Edgewater Hospital (Nurses Building) West side funeral final days.

The Cta Fly Over Project Demolition/s

One final look at the Belmont/Clark corridor, during the demolition process, as they make space for the CTA's "Fly Over Project." I believe the Allstate wall will fall today and the building the first photo was shot from is now 100% removed, as demo quickly moves forward. Glad i got the chance to document a handful of the effected buildings, before things drastically change.. #buildingaNEWchicago #architecturalchangesBELMONT/CLARKjunction #ChicagosRedLine #theCTA #SLATEDFORDEMOLITION
#aneedeforsanctuary #hillsidebunker #20thcenturysignage #rottingdeathrecords #shutteredlearninginstitutions #cpsCLOSURESof2012
#aneedforsanctuary #sacredspaces #westsideCHICAGO
royal crown manufacturing plant.
schlitz last days. #shutteredlearninginstitutions This room burnt 5/3/2017
Shuttered Native American Center 1 Shuttered Native American Center 2
lincoln park hospital morgue. (This was taken several weeks after the hospital was shuttered. Tools,chemicals and actual human body parts remained. it was like a bomb siren went off and no one ever returned..

a moment of silence for valspar..

a close friend of mine died in this factory several days before this image was taken. rip jason kichekeg..soler..

Capone Bathroom, (Uptown Tunnels

revist 7 years later^^^right before this historic room was turned into a storage destination (UNDERGROUND BATHROOM THAT WAS ACTUALLY USED BY AL CAPONE DURING THE LADDER 1920'S)
Last remaining remnants of the cabrini green housing project village. (rowhouse rooftop love) its been one hell of a ride.. #shutteredlearninginstitutionsCHICAGO,il Edge water Hospital, Nurse residence.#finaldaysBEFOREdemolition